Saturday, June 03, 2006

Sunday, 4th June 2006.

Friday night. Pizza and chocolate cake and red red wine and we hurt ourselves laughing. We linger on past midnight, tired, loath to leave - one more cigarette, one more anecdote - and the dogs move amongst us, press against us, love being with us, joyful beings that we are, buoying one another up with smart repartee, bringing out the best of ourselves and suprising ourselves. Laughter around the kitchen table. Maybe there is something better but I haven't found it yet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darling Rosie,
Your kitchen table is the home of so many fabulous times and precious memories, counselling sessions and tears, laughter and singing, drinking and smoking. If everyone had a kitchen like yours to come home to there would be a lot less suicide, depression, murdering and hatred in the world.
Love you Rose Queen

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darling Rosie
What a joy is your "blog". Reminds me of so many letters received while you were in Tassie. Such a laugh to read. Like Vicky, I have spent many a happy hour or six around your table in many houses including my own. Watched your lovely children and grandchildren grow into beautiful people. This blog is so much better for me than your diary (as I didn't read it) and brings me closer to you and yours.
Viva therosequeen and kitchen wherever they may be.

10:16 PM  

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