Thursday, January 04, 2007

Friday, 5th January, 2007

My new computer arrives today.

The one I've been using for the past seven years is unkindly referred to as the dinosaur and I admit it is rather slow and cumbersome but it has provided me with an income, given me access to a whole new community and allowed me endless pleasure on the Scrabble site. I've been unable to turn it off for over a year as someone pushed the on/off button too hard and it fell inside but then the dog lay on the powerboard the other week and unplugged it which meant I had to take a hammer and chisel to it (computer, not dog - though tempting), and prise off the casing to turn it on again.

I had no hope of buying another computer as at some point on my life's path I must have come to a fork in the road and chosen to skip merrily down the one marked "Poverty" instead of "Wealth" so imagine my delight when family and friends announced they had chipped in to buy me a new one for Christmas. I am overwhelmed at their generosity. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Fi, Gregg, Nomie, Marvin, Tim, Holly, Daisy, Milly, Sunny, Janet, Jared, Vicky, Nicky, Neil, Kayley, Lissy, Tom and Nikki - God Bless you, one and all! And you'll be pleased to know that I am taking the great leap and going on broadband next week so that my phone line won't be tied up for hours.

Happiness is a flat screen.


Blogger Nicky said...

Happiness will be dialing your number, hearing it ring and having you answer. Hooray for broadband!!

I've finally updated my blog.

Nicky xxx

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only 3,499,000 cooked breakies to go! xxx Holly

9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our absolute pleasure ... The Birmingham Booty Call days are well and truly over, everyone will be using your landline!

Love you Rosie!
Nik & Tom

12:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola Rosi,AHOY new one love Angel

6:25 PM  

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