Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wednesday, 17th January, 2007

Hooray, Tamworth Council has reversed its decision and the five Sudanese refugee families will be allowed to settle in the area, albeit only for a year provisionally, but a victory for compassion, nevertheless.

With black on my mind, I noticed a report in the Sydney Morning Herald on Giorgi Armani's menswear fashion show in Milan at which Armani declared not only that black is cool but also that it is a common denominator. "Black is reassuring," he said, "so it will always be cool". Not sure that I understand his reasoning but no doubt he knows best.

Anyway, I read the rest of the fashion show review with my mouth in an O like Jonathon Jo, especially, "Models walked down a black polished glass catwalk to a broadly disco beat and confounded the audience by taking the exit door instead of turning back at the end of the catwalk." God, I know how the audience felt - nothing more confounding than someone taking the exit door. Positively discombobulating.


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