Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Wednesday, 25th October 2006

At last, another entry! I'm so uncommited it's not true. I think I'm too happy to write. Perhaps, like Sylvia Plath, I should learn to court despair. I have written some bloody good stuff out of anguish so I'm not knocking it. And I would never consider my prolongued investigations of suffering not worthwhile. Double negative, dammit! Why is it that the UK medical journal, The Lancet, has just published a report that 650,000 Iraqis have been killed thus far and yet despite this horror I still see the overwhelming goodness of humanity? Maybe I should be locked up. Or tied down. (Oh, no, don't get me started). In spite of seeming massive evidence to the contrary (courtesy of the news media) I find myself living in a world full of kindly deeds and kept promises - and the more that fear is promoted, greater appear the manifestations of love. I'm bubbling over with love. My cork has popped. I can't contain myself any longer. Stand back or you'll get a hit and it will leave you gasping.


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