Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wednesday, 1st November 2006.

The Grand Mufti of Australia, Sheik Taj el-Din al Hilaly, has thrown everyone into a tiswas by saying words to the effect that women who don't cover themselves up deserve to be raped and comparing them with uncovered meat left out for the cat. For myself, I simply discounted his statement and muttered, "Don't be silly, darling," as I do with most of the utterances of men of religion and politics - they really do talk utter nonsense and engage in power struggles like little boys in the playground. I want to clap my hands and say, "All right, boys, that's enough - come on in now - time for bed!" Islam is getting a bit of a knocking at the moment (taking the heat off the blacks and the jews) and I do feel sorry for the Muslim women going about their business and hoping they are not going to be abused by the general public. I followed a couple of them around the supermarket, just keeping guard, in case some addled headed person, befuddled by propaganda, decided to go on the attack. Having survived Christianity, I feel sympathy for anyone in the clutches of religious nuts. How Christianty can knock Islam I don't know, considering it has as its emblem a tortured man bleeding to death on a cross.

When attending a Ku Klux Klan meeting, how do you know which one is the Grand Dragon? He's the one wearing the fitted sheet. Just remembered that one.

We are waiting for rain. I mean, that's what we mostly do in Oz. Wait for rain. The dams have dropped below 40% full and my garden is a dust bowl. Actually, to tell the truth, I am waiting for The Ashes. 23rd November, roll on! What joy that I can watch it all day and not have to get up in the middle of the night - let the northern hemisphere put itself out for a change! Apparently The Barmy Army is 10,000 strong and will be descending on Oz imminently. Last year our household was split between Poms and Aussies and things were getting a bit nasty. Unusually, we didn't have any Germans here at the time - must have all left to put towels on sunbeds haha. Why did the German cross the road? Because the light was green and it was allowed. This year the Poms have the numbers - have to get stocked up, besides the grog, with the Marmite, Branston Pickle and PG Tips so we can settle in. I have to go for the Poms. Breeding will out, darlings.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go the Aussies!!!!! Ozzie ozzie ozzie oi oi oi!
Ha haha love you...

10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rosie, What can we say about anyone calling himself a mufti? Over at medialens SueC has been branded a racist for suggesting that Islam might not solve the world's problems after all. lenin believes racism means not calling Islam to task over its ill-treatment of certain people because in the current climate it counts as incitement to invade and bomb. Its a lake of thin ice, I think going to bed early migt be the best thing for all of us.
I have been following the ashes on the guardians blow byy blow accounts, I am a massive cricket fan and unlike most irish am supporting the poms.
Michael H
PS I sent you an e-mail too

9:28 AM  
Blogger Rosie said...

I know, Michael - have we all lost our sense of humour? The big question is, does the Sheik have to be facing Mecca when taking a Grand Mufti dive? xxx

5:18 PM  

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