Thursday, 1st June 2006
Here it is, then, the first day of winter when I start my ongoing sulk until Persephone reappears and I shall open myself up to her beauty and warmth. But for now the big huddle begins and already I feel myself tightening into a small ball of hibernation,wrapping myself in extra covers and hunching over the cooker as I stir vast pans of steaming soup. As winter in Sydney only means that I cannot sit in the garden until around 11.00 am this is, of course, all dramatic nonsense - but, hey, that's what I'm here for - bring on the agony and ecstasy so I know I'm alive. I stick pins into myself every now and then to ensure I do not drift into unconsciousness and miss something vital like the soft whispered nuance of .... something ....
Here it is, then, the first day of winter when I start my ongoing sulk until Persephone reappears and I shall open myself up to her beauty and warmth. But for now the big huddle begins and already I feel myself tightening into a small ball of hibernation,wrapping myself in extra covers and hunching over the cooker as I stir vast pans of steaming soup. As winter in Sydney only means that I cannot sit in the garden until around 11.00 am this is, of course, all dramatic nonsense - but, hey, that's what I'm here for - bring on the agony and ecstasy so I know I'm alive. I stick pins into myself every now and then to ensure I do not drift into unconsciousness and miss something vital like the soft whispered nuance of .... something ....