Monday, October 29, 2007

Tuesday, 30th October, 2007

I seem to have joined FaceBook. I can only say that I didn't know what I was doing. Someone emailed me and invited me to be his friend and a few minutes later I had a profile and had collected quite a few friends of my own. (I hope they have money). I was also instructed to enable my browser cookies (?). I'm a bit nervous of going back in now. I'll have to wait until my grandchildren arrive to advise me. Damn, I thought I was doing quite well the other day when I managed to change the time on my mobile phone to allow for daylight saving. A friend of mine used not to change her clock: she said it wasn't worth it because she'd have to change it back in six months. This is a bit like people who don't bother taking down the Christmas decorations but just wait and then blow the dust off them. This must be the ultimate in laziness and I find it quite pleasing. And, as Quentin Crisp discovered, the dust in one's house doesn't increase any more after the first four years anyway.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Monday, 29th October, 2007

I got up at 3 o'clock the other morning and watched Dylan Moran on YouTube. There's nothing like a few good belly laughs to get one off to sleep again. He said, of Australia, that the whole continent is uninhabitable and that we are all in denial about that fact. There are days when I am inclined to believe him - it's 33 degrees today but I have to cut short any Pommie whinging about the heat by reminding myself that I only came here for the climate.
We are in the throes of a general election in Australia and the longer the campaigning continues the less able am I to dispute the claim that "politics is Hollywood for ugly people". Kevin Rudd is looking older already and he hasn't even become Prime Minister yet. The only politican who seemed able to escape the ageing process was Bill Clinton who still looks pretty tasty even now. Probably the fun he had with Monica stopped him from getting too serious about being the world's most powerful man. It's a shame President Shrub didn't settle for doing party tricks with an attractive woman and a cigar instead of going in for shock and awe tactics in Iraq - although the American people seemed to think that a fiddle in the Oval Office was far more despicable than killing hundreds of thousands of people. Value system slightly out of whack, one would have thought. Hey-ho.
Back to Dylan Moran for some sanity: “I don't do drugs. If I want a rush I just stand up when I'm not expecting it.”