Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Thursday, 1st June 2006

Here it is, then, the first day of winter when I start my ongoing sulk until Persephone reappears and I shall open myself up to her beauty and warmth. But for now the big huddle begins and already I feel myself tightening into a small ball of hibernation,wrapping myself in extra covers and hunching over the cooker as I stir vast pans of steaming soup. As winter in Sydney only means that I cannot sit in the garden until around 11.00 am this is, of course, all dramatic nonsense - but, hey, that's what I'm here for - bring on the agony and ecstasy so I know I'm alive. I stick pins into myself every now and then to ensure I do not drift into unconsciousness and miss something vital like the soft whispered nuance of .... something ....

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Monday, 29th May 2006

Awoke around 4.00 am again to ponder. Why are the dogs asleep in the armchairs and not in their beds? Why does Telstra charge me extra when I don't have enough money to pay the bill in the first place? Why did George W. Bush decide to embark on a War on Terror at a time when the US State Department was reporting that global terrorism was at its lowest ebb for 35 years? It's all very puzzling ....
Tuesday, 30th May 2006.

The media have a bit of an obsession with mountaineers lately, dead or dying. Last week it was people being knocked down on pedestrian crossings. I wonder if they have a yearly planner with the topics neatly written in? Obesity has had a good run. I thought our children were all going to die of anorexia. What happened? They seem to have grown from skeletons to balloons in a remarkably short space of time. Anyway, haven't got time to ponder that too much - I'm reading this great article on "The Universe as a Hologram".