Friday, 10th November, 2006
Made a lovely connection on the Scrabble site yesterday with that rare someone who had also read "The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment", the underground classic written by Thaddeus Golas. These meetings always come as a delightful surprise, even though I'm aware that nothing happens by accident, and it was helpful to be reminded to follow Thaddeus' advice to "love it the way it is" even though I couldn't find a possie for my bingo.
Like Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert (Baba Ram Dass), Thaddeus Golas used drugs to enhance his awareness of other dimensions of consciousness, of many other "realities", and their experiments and investigations have become definitive works for others daring to venture away from the limited experience of physical reality and the dualistic paradigm that keeps us enslaved. No surprise that governments have made these substances illegal - once we discover we are all one in love and that there is nothing to fear, then we become ungovernable. But their efforts are all in vain - the underground movement is alive and well, with or without drugs, and its members recognise one another by nuances and faint indirections.
Just imagine, the innocent Scrabble site may well be a seething hot bed of sedition.
Made a lovely connection on the Scrabble site yesterday with that rare someone who had also read "The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment", the underground classic written by Thaddeus Golas. These meetings always come as a delightful surprise, even though I'm aware that nothing happens by accident, and it was helpful to be reminded to follow Thaddeus' advice to "love it the way it is" even though I couldn't find a possie for my bingo.
Like Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert (Baba Ram Dass), Thaddeus Golas used drugs to enhance his awareness of other dimensions of consciousness, of many other "realities", and their experiments and investigations have become definitive works for others daring to venture away from the limited experience of physical reality and the dualistic paradigm that keeps us enslaved. No surprise that governments have made these substances illegal - once we discover we are all one in love and that there is nothing to fear, then we become ungovernable. But their efforts are all in vain - the underground movement is alive and well, with or without drugs, and its members recognise one another by nuances and faint indirections.
Just imagine, the innocent Scrabble site may well be a seething hot bed of sedition.
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