Friday, November 10, 2006

Saturday, 11th November 2006

11/11 is a noteworthy date in Australian history: as well as being Remembrance Day, it is the date that Ned Kelly was hanged in 1880 (his last words reputed to be: "Such is life") and the date in 1975 that the Queen's Representative, the Governor-General, dismissed the Prime Minister of the day, Gough Whitlam (last words as PM: "Maintain the rage!") The usual Remembrance Day service took place at the Cenotaph to honour those who lay down their lives for their country, accompanied by the usual hypocritical "Lest we forget" nonsense whilst at the same time the government is making major efforts to increase military recruitment so that more young men and women may get the chance to make "the ultimate sacrifice". I wonder which country will be invented as the next enemy? Sorry to sound cynical but one can only swallow so much bullshit.

I do love my own species - well, I'm passionate about it, actually, and human beings are a constant source of inspiration and surprise. We'll have a go at anything, there's no doubt about it. This week a young man in the UK inserted a firework into his anus and got his mate to light it. Breathtaking. I mean, I know the jazz singer, George Melly, said that the only problem with the human body was that it didn't have enough orifices which means we have to be pretty inventive with what we've got, but that's not the sort of bang that ever came anywhere close to my realms of consciousness.

Oh, God, not a Catherine Wheel, surely?


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