Sunday, November 12, 2006

Monday, 13th November 2006

Spent an hour or so with Bill Hicks this morning. I take recourse to this foul-mouthed messiah now and then, especially when our Prime Minister has said something particularly dull and unimaginative. This morning he said he wanted Australians to feel their lives were safe and predictable - good lord, no wonder more and more folk are engaging in high risk sports and killing themselves base jumping - anything for a bit of excitement. "Safe and predictable" - sounds remarkably like stagnation, if not death. For myself, I prefer to be mad with passion, to go close to the edge and catch my breath, to feel the terrible uncertainty of existence tearing at my sinews, to plunge into the avalanche of despair and to stay with it to see where it leads, to rise again and fly, ecstatic, intoxicated, nuzzling into life's armpit, sniffing it in and in until I am filled, drunken rapturous being that I am. (No point in offering me a tax cut, John).

Bill Hicks died before I knew him. He was 33. He was filled with love and spat out obscenities as though they were the word of God, cutting through hypocrisy with a sharp and cruel wit. I watch him on DVD again and again and I read his words over and over. I love that man. His philosophy was one of gentle anarchy and his message was that we are one and that there is nothing to fear because we are only here for the ride. One of Bill's complaints was that there was never a positive drugs story on the news and this is the one he'd like to hear, just once:

"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration … that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, our fearless and intrepid Pee Em! Now he thinks that the French PM is silly for wanting to institute trade penalties against those countries who refuse to sign the Kyoto Protocol.
Well, all I can say is i didn't vote for him! i loved that banner in the March against war,"Little Johnny, pull out like your father should have done"!
Thanks for your postings, it's so wonderful to be gently reminded of what's real.

2:08 AM  
Blogger Nicky said...

Rose, this is the second time I have left this comment, but it doesn't appear to have been listed.

I simply wanted to say that you're a mad bugger and I love all your slow vibrating energy very much.

4:29 PM  

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